الرئيسية غير مصنف 8 amazing beaches you’ve probably never heard of

8 amazing beaches you’ve probably never heard of

We’ve all been there: Beaches so packed with bodies it’s impossible to take a decent picture without forty random photobombers in the background.

But there’s good news. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface area is water, so there are plenty of empty, albeit scenic stretches of sand silently waiting to become your next cover photo. And what they lack in crowds, boardwalks, surf shops and ice cream trucks, they more than make up for in Mother Nature.

Below are nine lesser-known beaches worth knowing, along with tips for getting your toes in their sand.

1. Secret Beach, Dominica

2. Benijo Beach, Tenerife

3. Kennedy Island, Solomon Islands

4. No Name Cay, Bahamas

5. Praia Formosa, Santa Maria Island, Azores, Portugal

6. Silhouette Island Beaches, Seychelles

7. Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Islands, Australia

8. Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar

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